United Express Flight Turns Around After Passenger Allegedly Threatens Neighbor Over Cell Phone

June 04, 2014 at 08:30PM :

While it might be okay to keep certain devices on in airplanes now, it could be a bit confusing to flyers which contraptions can be used, and at what times, which is understandable. But when one United Express traveler apparently didn’t like her neighbor telling her to turn her phone off, her alleged reaction prompted the flight to turn back to Nashville after takeoff.

The flight bound for Houston didn’t continue on its scheduled route on Sunday after a woman was asked by another female passenger “to turn off her cell phone due to the aircraft being in flight,” a court affidavit cited by the Smoking Gun says.

According to officials, the woman allegedly responded by saying, “I kill white people like you.”

If that wasn’t enough, the report said the woman continued by saying she would follow the woman when they got to Houston “and find out where she lived.”

Those alleged threats prompted the other passenger to feel fear “for her safety,” the affidavit said.

A flight attendant told police that the suspect’s comments “were causing anxiety and fear throughout the cabin,” so the pilot turned back to Nashville.

The woman was arrested for assault upon returning to the gate and is scheduled to appear in court later this month.

Never Say “I Kill White People Like You” When Asked To Turn Off Your Phone Post-Takeoff [The Smoking Gun]

