I know, I know. Just last week I told you to move to Wisconsin, and I stand by that. But if you want the magic fairy dust that apparently brings big money, maybe you should pack up and set down roots in West Virginia. Because that’s where the Powerball fairy lives.
And by Powerball fairy, of course I mean the phenomenon of nine people from West Virginia winning Powerball prizes of at least $1 million, as per the New York Daily News.
West Virginia is at the top of the least in per capita terms, though five other states have had more people win that amount or more. The state averages one $1 million or more ticket for every 200,000 of its 1.8 million residents, while Vermont is second with two millionaires and 626,630, followed by Louisiaina at seven winners in its population of 4.6 million.
“It’s just a lucky streak that we’re on that’s amazing,” said Randy Burnside, a spokesman for the West Virginia Lottery. “Hopefully we’ll have a lot more this year.”
That means a lot in West Virginia, where the median household income falls in the bottom ranks of tha nation.
“We’re just tickled to death to be able to create life-changing money for folks in the state,” Burnside said.
I take back what I said — don’t everyone move to West Virginia because I want to keep these per capita figures right where they are. In the meantime, I’ll be making a road trip playlist and um, gone for while.
West Virginia feasting on Powerball with nine huge winners this year [New York Daily News]